My favourite places to hang out online

favourite places online

It's crazy to think how much the role of the internet in our lives has changed in our lifetimes. From non-existent when I was a kid, to using chat rooms as a pre-teen, to my obsession with looking things up, and beyond. Since I am almost always plugged into something, I thought I would share where I spend most of my time online.

Favourite podcasts - I listen to podcasts when I'm doing mundane, routine tasks at the art table, or when I'm making dinner, doing dishes or laundry, or anything else that requires my hands and eyes but not my brain or ears. I'm a little bit addicted to these I think...

  • Dear Sugar - An advice column turned radio show. Hosts Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond are deeply wise and insightful and I love hearing their take on their listener's problems.
  • This American Life - Super popular, and for good reason. One of the first podcasts I listened to, the variety of stories always keeps me coming back.
  • Radiolab - Sometimes sciency, often not, this show finds incredibly compelling stories and facts and shares them using brilliantly edited sound and music.
  • Surprisingly Awesome - They take a supposedly boring topic, like broccoli or concrete, and tell you all the ways that it is actually amazing. There have been quite a few mind-blowing moments thus far.
  • Reply All - A show about the internet that also manages to delve into some strange and fascinating places. And the hosts are quite funny at times.
  • Planet Money - Super quick snippets about how the world of money works - I always learn something new and am usually entertained in the process.
  • Magic Lessons - Elizabeth Gilbert coaches people through creative struggles. They've only done one season so far but the second one is in the works!
  • On Being - Krista Tippett interviews spiritual and thought leaders and goes deep into what it means to be human. Prepare to breathe deep and open your consciousness.

Favourite apps - I'm probably on my phone way too much but it's just so darn useful. These are the apps I use on a daily basis.

  • Fitbit - Constantly checking my stats helps to remind me to get up from my art table and get outside. I track my steps each day - aiming for 10,000 - as well as how much I exercise and how well I sleep.
  • Stitcher - Where I listen to all my podcasts. There are a few good ones that aren't on here, but it has most of what I want.
  • Google play music (prev. Songza) - When I've run out of podcasts (not usually possible since my 'favourites' list in Stitcher has three times the shows that I listed) or need a break from stories, or need to pump myself up to do something unpleasant (like cleaning the bathroom or organizing my studio) I listen to some of my favourite playlists.
  • Headspace - Guided meditations on a variety of subjects in health and wellness. I'm currently working on the 30-day "stress" pack. You decide if you want your sessions to be 10, 15, or 20 minutes long. They also have on-the-go sessions to help encourage mindfulness during daily activities, and SOS sessions to help you calm down when things get ugly.
  • Duolingo - A language learning app that is addictive and surprisingly effective. You can practice your skills by helping to crowd-translate articles from the language you're learning as well. I'm currently trying to level-up my Spanish, and most afternoons you'll find me pacing my living room (to get my steps) while doing the lessons on my phone.

Favourite blogs - Though I dip in and out of a ton of blogs, these are the ones that I'm currently reading weekly. In each case, the author is someone I can relate to and feel a connection with.

  • Today is Going to be Awesome - Lisa Congdon's blog where she talks about her process, interviews other creatives, and shares her artwork. I love it. I wrote about why Lisa is such an inspiration here.
  • Honeyberry Diary - A great blog by artist Yuko Miki where she shares her artwork and everything she's learning during her creative business journey. I find tons of insights here and I was super excited to interview Yuko on my own blog.
  • Tara Leaver - Very meditative musings on making art and finding ways to express yourself. There's always something juicy here. I'll have an interview with Tara on the blog next week!
  • Nela Dunato - Practical tips on staying productive and making the most of an art or design practice. You can find my interview with Nela here.
  • Brain Pickings - An overwhelming amount of pieces on ideas she finds in books and other sources. I get a ton of book recommendations, quotes, and inspiration here.

Favourite email newsletters - I get way too many newsletters, but these ones always catch my attention with a mix of life and business advice that feels authentic and incredibly useful.

Favourite Instagram accounts - I follow a ton of people whose work I love, but these accounts always seem to take my breath away.

  • @virgin_honey - Quirky and creative, this never fails to put a smile on my face
  • @seth_globepainter - Monumental murals that blend in seamlessly with the background. Wow.
  • @tinyatlasquarterly - Gorgeous travel photos that make me want to pack my suitcase.
  • @elleluna - The brains behind #the100dayproject and a huge source of inspiration
  • @5ftinf - Beautiful arrangements and lots of colour
  • @globemakers - A handmade globe workshop in England. Dreamy.
  • @tugboatprintshop - A printmaking workshop that makes the most elaborate woodcuts I've ever seen.
  • @thejealouscurator - The artists she features on her blog often send me into fits of amazement, and I love that her Instagram feed reminds me to check them out.

Where do you spend your time on the internet? Obviously, I don't have enough to do/look at so send me your favourites!